When we say we are dogmatic about fundamentals it means we are absolutely sure, convinced, unlikely to change as we have studied it well. However, a true dogmatic is impossible to deal with and we run into them in every walk of life.You may not agree with me on the term Dogmatic, call it as you desire but all of us have run into this terrible attitude. Consider:
I am absolute in my love for truth and Proclaiming the gospel but I am not dogmatic about anything
and here is why:
Definition of Dogmatic: 1. Relating to, characteristic of, or resulting from dogma.
2. Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of "unproved" or unprovable principles.
See Synonyms for dictatorial....Technically Dogmatic means that I believe something without the
benefit of being able to express it with logic and facts. In other words to be dogmatic means I
refuse all logic and refuse to "use my God given mind to understand. " I am acting
irrationally because I don't think I need to explain to someone else the reasons why I believe something.
Am I dogmatic about the gospel? No. Because that would mean I accept it without any evidence as to it's
authenticity. It's like saying to a lost person who challenges the gospel that I don't need to explain my position to you.
IT'S RIGHT JUST BECAUSE I SAID SO. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. If the gospel I preach can't stand
up under the scrutiny of of a critic then it must be irrational. Of course the gospel "is" rational and there is
Biblical evidence of doctrines that make it logical. It is a substitutionary atonement which makes sense.
It fulfills God's Justice which makes sense etc. Grant it there are many things about it we may not understand
but what God wants men to understand about it we are able to understand and required to believe it.
We can't punch holes in false doctrines with dogmatic tools. We must debate scripturally, rationally, logically
and doctrinally. Without the God given laws of logic doctrinal agreement is impossible. Communication is impossible Take notice of
our discussions with others. We are constantly using logic based on a scriptural system under the guiding of the Holy Spirit. Faith and rational thinking are not mutually exclusive as some would have us believe. Some one once said to me "I'm spiritual not logical"---that's really wrong thinking. We should be able to scripturally and logically defend what we believe in a logical, scriptural and doctrinal way by sound hermeneutics.
A truly dogmatic person by definition ignores God's gift of rationality because they stick to something and proclaim it arrogantly without explanation, facts or logical discourse.
When confronted the dogmatic operates in a circular argument that goes something like this like this:
Lost man-- Why is the gospel true?
Dogmatic--"Because I said so."
Lost man--Prove to me why you believe what you believe.
Dogmatic---I don't have to explain it to you. It's the truth.
Lost man---How do you know it's the truth?
Dogmatic---Because I said so.
Lost man--Don't you need a reason why you believe it?
Dogmatic---No it's true don't challenge what I believe.
Lost man--How do you know what you believe is true
Dogmatic--I don't need to hear your arguments as to why it is not true. Your arguments are wrong.
Lost man---How do you know my arguments are wrong?
Dogmatic--Because I am right and you are wrong.
Lost man--How do you know my arguments are wrong?
Dogmatic---Because I am right.
Lost man---Won't you even consider what I have to say?
Dogmatic---No because I know I am right.
Lost man---How do you know?
Dogmatic---Because it is what I believe therefore it is right and you are wrong.
Lost man--Won't you even Listen to what I have to say and consider why you think I am wrong?
Dogmatic--No, my mind is closed.
Lost man--Why is your mind closed.
Dogmatic----Because I am right, I know it and I don't need to explain why I am right.
So take or leave it.
A man who believes something should be able to listen to others and weigh their thoughts because he
might be wrong. I don't mind the Gospel being challenged because if the Gospel is true it will stand all tests
thrown at it. Pure Dogmatism stops a man from growing and learning. He says,"Don't bother me with the facts, my mind is made up" Usually because he is proud and insecure and doesn't like people challenging him.
So he thinks in an a twisted stubborn way.----Pastor Rodney
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