Hebrews 13:4,17
"Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you."
As the Bible commands this Pastor calls out false prophets that stand in pulpits. However I will not stand for someone using a broad brush on all Pastors tarnishing this God given office. I admit without apology a personal conviction and mission to restore confidence in the Biblical office of Pastor. I taught respect for Pastors even when I was not a Pastor.
No Holy Spirit led Christian would deny that we have a serious moral problem in our nation and I agree that false prophets are a big part of the problem. However, there is bigger problem. Tele-evangelist, which is where many wrongfully learn to define the office of Pastor, are largely Heretics and false Prophets; not all but most. I know, like you, because I have watched them and know what they teach. These tele-heretics are visible to all and most are not Pastors but false prophets.
The media will readily publish stories about money making tele-heritics, false prophets and snake handlers. These are not Biblical Church Pastors. They are false prophets. The many, many good Pastors in this country that you never hear about don't care for the general media and the general media care nothing for them. Therefore most will not know of the heavenly labor Pastor's do.
So... What is very disconcerting is the name Pastor is being tarnished and drug through the mud. Sadly much of the disdain is coming from church members themselves! They are killing their own local church when they disrespect the office of Pastor. This is why I am so adamant about calling a man of God a Pastor and calling heretics false prophets. Don't call false prophets Pastors. The very word pastor means Shepard. One who "cares" for the sheep. A false prophet is a hireling according to Jesus Christ.
Now it may seem I that I am splitting hairs over a word here but the respect for the office and "Biblical title" Pastor needs restoration. It is evident more and more people disdain the very office of Pastor. I, for one, shall continue to defend God's word concerning respect for the office of Pastor.
Think of it this way. Suppose you are a carpenter and the media began showing shoddy work of houses. What if people began calling and redefining all carpenters as wood butchers. What if people began putting them down and disrespecting all of them to the point that the name "carpenter" became tarnished. Someone asks, "What do you do for a living?" and you say, "I'm a carpenter" and hang your head because you know what has been done to the title. Lawyers have suffered the same fate as Pastors in this respect. We all know the jokes about lawyers but I happen to know a fine Christian Lawyer. The word Pastor is an important Biblical title that needs renewed respect because it is a crucial office and part of God's plan for Churches and society as a whole.
Pastor's have ministered more morality to this Nation than any other single group of people. I love Pastors. They have shaped my life for good and are my dearest of friends. Pastors have a tough time teaching on this subject (respect for the office of Pastor) because people think they are being self serving. We really need a grass roots movement from the pew to rise up and defend this wonderful God given office, call and gift to the Church... "Pastors". -----Pastor Rodney Houston
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