AMAZING By Rodney Houston
He was born July 24, 1725 and died December 21, 1807. His father was an English ship master. His mother died of tuberculosis when he was almost 7 years old. He spent the next two years at a boarding school. He was at sea by age 11 and then forced into the British naval service at age 18. He became a midshipman aboard HMS Harwich. At one point, he attempted to desert and was punished in front of the crew of 350. Stripped to the waist, tied to the grating, he received a flogging of twelve lashes, and was reduced to the rank of a common seaman. Following that disgrace and humiliation, he contemplated suicide. He was then transferred to the ship the Pegasus. By chance he found a book that sowed the seeds of the gospel, "Thomas à Kempis' Imitation of Christ". In a storm at sea he later prayed to God to save him.. He became an English tax collector in 1755. The last 43 years of his life he pastored and preached the gospel in Olney and London. At 82, he said "My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things, that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Saviour." William Cowper, the poet, moved to Olney and worshiped in the church where he pastored and collaborated with him in 1779 to write a hymnal. The music book was known as "Olney Hymns." This work was to have a great influence on English hymnology. The volume included well-known hymns "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken", "How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds!", "Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare", "Approach, My Soul, the Mercy-seat." and a small hymn titled "Faith's Review and Expectation". which came to be known later by its opening phrase. This little known preacher may have been lost in history had it not been for the The hymn "Faith's Review and Expectation" which would later take on a new name based on the first two words of the of the song:
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
He was John Newton who was so convicted of slave trading as a new believer that he turned around his slave ship mid voyage and returned his prisoners to their African home and in the process turned his life around and gave us the most well known hymn in history.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
At least once a week I hear from someone quoting Jesus Christ "Judge not that you be not Judged." Yes Jesus did say this according to the Gospels, but what did he mean? Jesus also said, "Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?" Luke 12:57. Jesus also said, "You shall know a tree by the fruit that it bears." It has become a part of the culture to consider almost any statement of Godly truth, morality or sin, improper because one is "judging" someone else. Judging is a word with many different connotations and definitions that have been lumped into one common theme---"Leave me alone. No one tells me what is right or wrong. I will do what ever I want." "Judge not" has been twisted into an excuse for rebellion. We cannot escape being judged. God establishes the law and it is his laws that judge us all. When a person is caught stealing something that rightfully belongs to another, you judge them as a thief and try to stop them. Hopefully so does the Courtroom Judge. Consider for a moment that it is not the victim of this crime that is judging. It is the law of God judging. We are not judges of one another but we are required to APPLY the law of God in situations and to people's words and actions, including our own. This misunderstanding of refusing to apply the law of God is creating an amoral and destructive society. God is the Judge. Breaking his LAWS always brings pain to ourselves and/or others. Take a curve in your car to fast, break the law of inertia determined by God, and one immediately pays the price. Suppose the contractor building your house says, "It is not necessary to use a level or plumb line". You protest. He says to you, "Now, Now, Judge not that you be not judged." You are not Judging him, you are invoking the law of God who's judgment is sure and just. The old Testament prophets often used the plumb line, and scales as tangible ways to prove that God's spiritual laws cannot be broken without consequence. The problem with breaking God's spiritual laws is found in Ecclesiastes 8:1.---"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." The Alcoholic most of the time will not feel the results of breaking God's law for many years until cirrhosis of the liver sets in. Proverbs says "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." A parent that does not teach, love and discipline a child when they are young has "Broken the law of God" and the child, the parent and society will in time will suffer the judgment of God for breaking his law. We do not live in this world alone. Our actions and words hurt or help one another. Cain said to God, "Am I my brother's keeper?" The obvious answer is yes. We have an obligation to love one another. Real Love always means applying God's principles to our lives and MAKING THEM KNOWN TO OTHER PEOPLE. If a person was about to step in front of a moving car we should grab and restrain them; but under the perverted principle of judging others being used these days, we should let them get run over. After all, It's not any of my business what they do.
There is an evil way of judging that Jesus speaks about. It involves "improper motive" and "lack of compassion." It is done in such a way that the pride of man is exalted. It is Judging another's perceived or actual sins in order to make one FEEL SUPERIOR. This was the kind of judging of which Scribes and Pharisees were guilty and which Jesus vehemently condemned.
Not only is applying the law of God to judge ourselves and other's actions good, it is commanded and expected by God. God gave to Noah a law "Whosoever sheds man's blood by man shall his blood be shed." . If a man commits murder he should be killed." God told Ezekiel the prophet that if he did not warn the people of their evil ways that their blood would be required at Ezekiel's hands. Every courtroom judge is a minister of God. So is every parent who rightfully judges and corrects their children's actions. Every Boss is required to righteously judge his employees work--he is God's minister. Every teacher judges the progress of their students. Every true Gospel preacher judges his congregation and the evils of the society and is REQUIRED BY GOD TO PROCLAIM HIS LAWS. Every true friend will warn and/or rebuke their friend if they are breaking God's law. This is real love. Our society has redefined love into a kind of new tolerance that says do not judge me, let me hurt myself and other people. The law of the land may give you the RIGHT to choose to disobey God but one will not get away with it for Jesus Christ is Judge of all. This writer appreciates friends that invoke God's law into my life, because I know they love me and have my best interest at heart. That is why Jesus taught over and over that we are to submit ourselves one to another. Submit to another considering another's righteous judgment. There is safety in a multitude of counselors.
A word Should be said on this subject about "authority." People are given authority by God in certain arenas. For instance the Judge's authority is limited to the courtroom. A parent's authority is limited to their own children. The rule is that one's "God given authority is limited to ones God given responsibility".
The exercise of God given authority over another should always be preceded by righteous judgment. (The application of God's laws and principles.) And Mercy should be extended to the contrite while the full force of the law should be executed to the rebellious. When entering any given situation one should immediately ask, "Who is in charge here." When no one is in charge or God given authority is rebelled against, confusion ensues and little or nothing is accomplished. One should submit themselves to the God given authority. Not
to do so is to rebel against God himself. This is the heart of the problem in many people's statement, "Who are you to judge me." This is Rebellion against God. If a person loves Jesus Christ they gratefully, honor and submit to his authorities. It is true that some people misuse their authority by "NOT APPLYING GOD'S LAWS" but that doesn't change their office which should be respected. They will answer to God for how they used their authority. Furthermore, one is not required by God to keep any man made law that is diametrically opposed to God's law.
It is true that we cannot judge another person's heart. Watchman Nee said that we do not know what is in a persons heart until they open their mouth. Jesus said, Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and by their fruit (actions) you shall know them. Proverbs says even a fool seems wise when he closes his mouth.
Judging another to help them by invoking God's law is serious business and one should be certain their own heart is right with God before the process. Jesus said remove the log from your own eye so that you may see clearly to remove a speck from another's eye. Jesus did not say "DO NOT remove a speck from your brother's eye." Removing a speck from someone's eye is a wonderful and needed ministry, but it is a sensitive and precarious operation and should be done with the utmost care.
One last word on this subject. God NEVER allows his laws to be broken without consequence because he is a Holy and perfect God. His judgment ALWAYS comes. We have all broken God's law so what hope do we have. The judgment of God for the believer's sins was taken care of when the Father crushed his son, Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross. The one who rejects God's justice on the cross has the wrath of God abiding on them according to the Bible. God cannot just let the breaking of his laws "slide" or he would be unjust himself. So through Jesus justice was served and we are set free from the penalty of eternal punishment for breaking God's law if we repent and believe on him. Then we are given a new life through his resurrection. That does not mean that there are not consequences in this life for breaking God's laws. "Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap"
There is an evil way of judging that Jesus speaks about. It involves "improper motive" and "lack of compassion." It is done in such a way that the pride of man is exalted. It is Judging another's perceived or actual sins in order to make one FEEL SUPERIOR. This was the kind of judging of which Scribes and Pharisees were guilty and which Jesus vehemently condemned.
Not only is applying the law of God to judge ourselves and other's actions good, it is commanded and expected by God. God gave to Noah a law "Whosoever sheds man's blood by man shall his blood be shed." . If a man commits murder he should be killed." God told Ezekiel the prophet that if he did not warn the people of their evil ways that their blood would be required at Ezekiel's hands. Every courtroom judge is a minister of God. So is every parent who rightfully judges and corrects their children's actions. Every Boss is required to righteously judge his employees work--he is God's minister. Every teacher judges the progress of their students. Every true Gospel preacher judges his congregation and the evils of the society and is REQUIRED BY GOD TO PROCLAIM HIS LAWS. Every true friend will warn and/or rebuke their friend if they are breaking God's law. This is real love. Our society has redefined love into a kind of new tolerance that says do not judge me, let me hurt myself and other people. The law of the land may give you the RIGHT to choose to disobey God but one will not get away with it for Jesus Christ is Judge of all. This writer appreciates friends that invoke God's law into my life, because I know they love me and have my best interest at heart. That is why Jesus taught over and over that we are to submit ourselves one to another. Submit to another considering another's righteous judgment. There is safety in a multitude of counselors.
A word Should be said on this subject about "authority." People are given authority by God in certain arenas. For instance the Judge's authority is limited to the courtroom. A parent's authority is limited to their own children. The rule is that one's "God given authority is limited to ones God given responsibility".
The exercise of God given authority over another should always be preceded by righteous judgment. (The application of God's laws and principles.) And Mercy should be extended to the contrite while the full force of the law should be executed to the rebellious. When entering any given situation one should immediately ask, "Who is in charge here." When no one is in charge or God given authority is rebelled against, confusion ensues and little or nothing is accomplished. One should submit themselves to the God given authority. Not
to do so is to rebel against God himself. This is the heart of the problem in many people's statement, "Who are you to judge me." This is Rebellion against God. If a person loves Jesus Christ they gratefully, honor and submit to his authorities. It is true that some people misuse their authority by "NOT APPLYING GOD'S LAWS" but that doesn't change their office which should be respected. They will answer to God for how they used their authority. Furthermore, one is not required by God to keep any man made law that is diametrically opposed to God's law.
It is true that we cannot judge another person's heart. Watchman Nee said that we do not know what is in a persons heart until they open their mouth. Jesus said, Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and by their fruit (actions) you shall know them. Proverbs says even a fool seems wise when he closes his mouth.
Judging another to help them by invoking God's law is serious business and one should be certain their own heart is right with God before the process. Jesus said remove the log from your own eye so that you may see clearly to remove a speck from another's eye. Jesus did not say "DO NOT remove a speck from your brother's eye." Removing a speck from someone's eye is a wonderful and needed ministry, but it is a sensitive and precarious operation and should be done with the utmost care.
One last word on this subject. God NEVER allows his laws to be broken without consequence because he is a Holy and perfect God. His judgment ALWAYS comes. We have all broken God's law so what hope do we have. The judgment of God for the believer's sins was taken care of when the Father crushed his son, Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross. The one who rejects God's justice on the cross has the wrath of God abiding on them according to the Bible. God cannot just let the breaking of his laws "slide" or he would be unjust himself. So through Jesus justice was served and we are set free from the penalty of eternal punishment for breaking God's law if we repent and believe on him. Then we are given a new life through his resurrection. That does not mean that there are not consequences in this life for breaking God's laws. "Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap"
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I am now a Blogger
Well, I have joined the ranks of the Bloggers. "Blog"--the word always brings to mind that old movie "The Blob". This huge wad of black bubble gum sucked up everthing in it's path. Is this a a sign of things to come?
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